About v.o.y.c.e. inc.
The Voice of Youth Changes Everything Inc. (V.O.Y.C.E Inc.) gives a desperately needed voice to youth in a world where far too many are conditioned to believe that they must wait until they are 18 to address political and social issues – and then, only by voting. America’s history is rich with instances of its youth dynamically contributing toward the evolution of our nation’s social and political landscapes. From voting to fundraising, starting businesses, using new technology, art, education, collective organization to public opposition, youth have traditionally played a significant role in the shaping of our country; and today’s generation should be no different. V.O.Y.C.E has 5 pillars that we use to positively impact communities: technology, entrepreneurship, civic engagement, education and art.
For more information, please visit www.thevoyceinc.com
For inquiries please email: voyceincorporated@gmail.com

About our check on your black friends initiative:
It all begins with an dream.
Check on your Black friends Inc. (COYBF) was birthed out of pure necessity in 2020. With civil and human rights organizing and protests taking place nationally, the need to educate, advocate and take action in communities of color was in dire need. COYBF’s serves as a bridge to programming and access to understanding civic engagement and social impact for diverse communities.